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Industrial Automatic Control Systems and Controllers Annotation << Back
Identification System for Metal-containing Structures
in Concrete Products |
Sachkov V.E.
The paper discusses the problems and drawbacks of ground-penetrating radar investigation of concrete products with metal structures inside. With case studies of OKO-2 ground-penetrating radar and GeoScan32 embedded software it discusses the radargram data analysis, offers data processing and filtering techniques and discusses software drawbacks. To handle these issues, a versatile algorithm was created and a custom software suite named GeoScanHelper was developed on its basis. The software simplifies radargram processing, saves labor and provides additional data for other processing modules. The implementation of the developed algorithm in GeoScanHelper software is described. The paper shows that the developed module executes the task completely but has a number of drawbacks such as limited applications (concrete products only) and insufficient filtering (does not reject all radargram noises).
The system developed addresses the needs of companies executing ground-penetrating radar probing and can be implemented in the GPR software either as an embedded or a stand-alone radargram processing module.
Keywords: ground-penetrating radar; concrete products; GeoScan32 software; radargram.
Contacts: E-mail: megawatto@mail.ru
Pp. 51-58. |
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